Viva the Vagus! Sensate's Nutritionist Affiliate Webinar Handout

Viva the Vagus! Sensate's Nutritionist Affiliate Webinar Handout

Posted on Jan 8, 2025

Viva the Vagus!

How Sensate Supports the Nutritional Client

By Stefan Chmelik


We love that what and how we eat are now regarded unquestionably as one of the central pillars of good health and longevity. We live in a time of recognition of the microbiome (ref) and many people have heard of the Gut-Brain pathway (ref), even if they don’t know that the physiological basis for this is the Vagus nerve (ref).

Researchers and clinicians are also very excited about the ability of the Vagus to target the inflammatory response (ref), treat pain and migraine (ref), help with metabolic problems (ref) and alter emotional states, with higher states of empathy, compassion and appreciation for life (ref).


Basically, a good Vagal tone helps us become better people.

If the nervous system and Vagus aren’t firing properly, then everything is harder than it could be and it’s difficult to fully get over anything, and a dysregulated nervous system can significantly reduce the impact of other treatments.

Including Nervous System Training as a core part of every programme can significantly improve outcomes, and this can be done is a way that clients actually relish and look forward to rather than being seen as yet ‘another thing to do’.

Patients may be less patient for results than ever before and it can be difficult to know how many things it's possible to ask a client to take on without losing them.

This webinar aimed to demonstrate the many benefits of including Nervous System Training in your core programme:

  • Improved clinical outcomes;
  • Happier patients come back and send their friends and family;
  • Your reputation benefits;
  • You generate affiliate income.


In our experience, every single practitioner should be thinking of Nervous System Training as an essential component of their core programme, as important as sleep, nutrition, moving, connection, and purpose, and the easiest way to do this is by using Sensate!

You probably already know most of the things that lead to downregulation of the ANS, and this is well documented of course, the problem is getting people to do the work, and Sensate is an enjoyable and easy way and really useful for people to be able to keep improving Vagal tone in between sessions.


In the webinar we explored:

  • Breathing retraining for O2/CO2/NO regulation;
  • Guided mindfulness & meditation training;
  • Nature connection;
  • Using Subjective Wellbeing as an accurate indicator of mind-body health.


Sensately Yours, 



More insights here: